Today's corn haul from the Farmer's Market. You'll taste it at Thanksgiving!

Early walk to the Farmer's Market at Main and Broadway for 16 ears of sweet corn, glads & zinnias to brighten the house, tiny eggplants and beets to cook on the grill tonight along with steaks. We'll eat two grilled ears of corn tonight. With the rest we'll make creamed corn to freeze for Thanksgiving in Huntersville.
I put the just-washed sheets and pillow cases on the line outside, which I love, but don't often get to do. They are so crisp and sweet-smelling after being outside in the sun all day. I remember you hanging tons of diapers on the line at home.....glad I never had to do THAT!
After that we took the TT convertible to McDonald's for gravy biscuits (not as good as Hardee's, but really ok), then picked up fresh pies to deliver to our retired friends in nearby Newark who can't drive any more.
It's hot and dry here, but really quite beautiful this summer. We rock on the porch many evenings after it cools off a bit. If it's cocktail night, we almost always have those on the porch, along with cashews or almonds or Graeber olives (the big, green, buttery ones in brine, not vinegar, that Caroline introduced us to years ago). Obviously, life is REALLL good, and we're enjoying every minute. Raise a glass to you, too!
We just got word that Louie's Uncle Leo, 98, died in West Palm Beach, where we'd visited him and Aunt Rose last year. At that time he was still playing tennis and softball! A retired engineer at Koppers in Pittsburgh, he'll be sorely missed. Remember when the two of them came to Louis's 50th birthday party in DC? Louis will fly down tomorrow for the Monday service and return Tuesday.
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